Wednesday, July 13, 2011

GENIUS IDEA: for a new word

Have you ever watched your car's windshield wipers in action and noticed that little crevice of space — sort of triangular in shape — that the wipers neglect? It's located at the bottom of the glass, slightly right of center, and every car has it, though the size and angularity of the wedge vary.

This space should have a name, but what should it be? I'm considering "peak". For example, "Your Subaru's peak is quite sharp and narrow compared to my Camry's." Or, "I didn't see the bicyclist, Officer. He must have been caught in my peak." "Peak" could work because of the space's mountainous shape. (It's also sort of like an upside-down widow's peak.) But is it catchy enough?


  1. how about the "snag"? i was intrigued by this and started looking up words. "Snag" is a synonym for "barrier" "flaw" and "catch" (and some other words). That part of the windshield never gets clean, and "snag" has that dirty kind of sound.
