Thursday, July 7, 2011


"Free Tim Riggins"

[Thing is, in order to get it you have to have just watched the episode of Friday Night Lights I just watched (5-10). Speaking of which, wouldn't Billy Riggins, or the actor who plays him, make a great George W. if they ever make another movie about him? On this note, a few weeks ago I posted about portrayals of academia on TV shows, and this season of FNL has a doozy. Tammy, visionary high school guidance counselor, is somewhat magically offered the job of Dean of Admissions at "prestigious" Braemore College (I kept thinking they were saying "Bryn Mawr" until I saw the crest) in upstate New York. I did think that the affable college president who offers her the position was pretty authentically portrayed, though...]


  1. Except that he is free...or do you mean that more existentially? In any case, he is totally the Dylan of the FNL generation. I love the Tammy story line this season. 18 years... oops, I think maybe you're an episode behind me.

    Oh and they are saying "Braemore" is in Philly not NY, so I think you're right -- it's an amalgamation of Swarthmore and Bryn Mawr, no?

  2. I watched the one with his parole hearing. Still think it'd be an awesome t-shirt. I assume you're referring to Dylan McKay from 90210? Nice!

  3. Check out Melissa Walker's FB post today -- she OWNS a Riggins worn Dillon Panthers t-shirt -- whaaa?

  4. I'm glad you guys are discussing me here. I would totally buy a "Free Tim Riggins" tee, Simon. Get those up on Cafe Press, Simon!

    And yes, total Bryn Mawr-Swarthmore combo.

    I wonder if I'll continue to feel young-at-heart enough to celebrate all the new Dylans as they emerge in pop culture. You guys may have to stop me at some point, but so far I'm still going strong.

    I'm telling Dave I'm gonna wear my Riggins tee in labor. He doesn't think I'm serious, but I am.
