Monday, June 6, 2011

Jeff Mauro, Next Food Network Star

A Chicago friend of mine, Jeff Mauro, made his debut on The Next Food Network Star last night. He made it through the first week with an impressive "Que Lime Pie." Jeff is a private chef for a corporate office downtown, an amazing singer/actor/guitarist, and an all around awesome dude. He still plays off and on with The Interociter, the psychedelic garage rock band I played guitar and bass in for four years in Chicago. Once he sang an incendiary version of "Ramblin, Gamblin Man" with us. Good luck, Jeff!


  1. SInce we were at the beach, I've started watching. Is Jeff's self-chosen moniker of "the sandwich king" a direct reference to Abe Froman? Yes! But I just watched "balls on a roll," wow, that was a close one!

  2. Apparently not. I asked him via Facebook: Jeff wrote: "not really, just a name. But at least i'd be in good company". Who would have thought someone could come up with that name independently.
